TV Drama



In media, we had to film the shoot out secene from the western, 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly'. I voulenteered to be the Ugly, becuase, who wouldn't!.

We filmed on the roof, to add another layer of tention when getting the camrea shots. The long black tarmac on the roof makes it seem a lot longer and alot more dramatic.

Chrissy, was on camera, Sara, was the Good, Scarlet, was the Bad, and I, was the Ugly. Which was sort of chosen by the clothes we happened to be wearing. Scarlet was in almost all black, so she was designated the evil role, so I volunteered to be the ugly, as I had no idea what I wearing, and Sara had matching clothes.

Elfen Lied is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Lynn Okamoto, which was turned into an anime. 

I really enjoyed the series as its only 13 episodes, and theres mutant species similar to humans in build but distinguishable by two horns on their heads) and "vectors", transparent telekinetically controlled arms that have the power to manipulate and cut objects within their reach. I mean, who wouldn't want that? The first mutant you see also has pink hair and is butt naked, gotta love it.

Tenacious D is an American comedy rock duo that was formed in LA in 1994, consisting of the Jack Black and Kyle Gass
[enter reference;] This is not the greatest song in the world,. With that said, both video and lyrics are totally obscene and wonderful. Who knew you could get Jack Black, the Devil and an Old lady on the same song. 

League of Legends is an extremely addictive MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) based on Warcraft 3.
I really enjoy playing it, as you can only win with teamwork and its free to play. Every match is a challenge, and with over 100 champions to choose from, there are countless ways for a team to overcome the opposing team. 

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