Saturday 14 February 2015

Contents paaage

This is my most recent update of my Contents page.
 I kept the logos and the tones on the right side, but I've added more photos to the left to advertise the other pages.
I have used the grid to keep the images in line and to create the separating lines.
I'm probably going to change the photos on the side.
I'm also going to change the colour scheme to represent my front cover, so i would have blues and reds, as it is my house style.

Friday 13 February 2015

Shokran- Supreme Truth

I have found the best music to do work to. The Russian band, of which some describe as a 'Math Metal', 'Progressive Deathcore' among other things, but i feel 'Egyptian Groove Djent' is a more appropriate term.

  • Thursday 12 February 2015

    Front cover

    This is the final product of my front cover.
    I have added pentagrams to multiple, as my target audience are appeal to them. I have also decide to stick with the glow behind the title and the main anchoring text

    Wednesday 11 February 2015


    I have finished writing up the little bio boxes under the logos, inserted page numbers for them all and one large page number box to make it clear for the readers that the main people are on page 9.

    Tuesday 10 February 2015

    Contents Development

    For the text, like the page number and the band logos I have used an effect to make it stylists and blend in with my theme and the background.

    For these images, I have used the band logos to advise the bands and to make the pages seem more appealing. I have left 3 squares on the grid, to allow for equal spacing and an orderly look. 

    This is my current contents page, which I like because of the colour scheme and spacing out of the senates, logos and models. 

    Monday 9 February 2015

    Contents page

    This is the beginning of my contents page. I have put effects on the model in focus, to draw more attention on to him. His costume is something my target audience would look towards and enjoy, as it has connotations of black metal, which is one genre of my target audience.

    Sunday 8 February 2015

    Tuesday 3 February 2015

    Contents page examples

    I'm now starting work on my contents page, so I need to look at examples. 
    For instance this 'Forgotten Path' contents page is monochrome, to fit the black metal audience. There also seems to be one photo only, of a dark and ambiguous forest area, which matches my photo shoots.
    My second example, SPIN, has got one large figure, taking up the length of the page, with high contrast and the main text is dark, with things like quotes and interest points are in the house fonts.
    The third example is of a esquire which has large numbers and many photos to draw the target audience, styled in an interesting way.

    Monday 2 February 2015

    These are two prototype variations of my final magazine cover.
    The one on the right doesn't follow the standard Z formation, nor does the one on the left, but the anchoring text is more in the middle, which is more appealing compared to the right one.