Sunday 26 October 2014

Choose a Sub genre of music magazines and present some of the main titles in detail.

As of most magazines, KERRANG! has a masthead at the top of the page, which is the largest text on the page to tell us what brand it is. The block of black at the top of the cover quickly advertise which bands are in the magazine. The text is in white, to contrast the black and makes it stand out. KERRANG! has a constant house style of 3 main colours, black, white and red. The black connotates dark, loud and gothic which is generally the genre of the magazine, while the red could represent pain, which is also relevant to the genre. The main cover line is big, bald and in various colours to attract the readers attention , which also anchors the main image so it is obvious that they're linked. There are other photos on the cover, which all aim to sell to the same demographic and connotes the same theme as the genre. The plain background reduces the attention away from the main elements.
The main cover photo is a medium close up, which shows everyone's facial expressions and clothes. Most of people are directing their gaze to connect with the audience. the people are also an 'ideal self' to the demographic of the genre.

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