Monday 17 November 2014

Final Choices

I have chosen these images for my magazine as there is a variation of colour, costumes, angles, depth of filed, angles, the models are in different areas of the grid and different poses.

<I like this photo because the church is the background is slightly out of focus, and where it is partially covered by bushes gives a hidden and suspicious feel. The arms crossed look give the 'tough guy' feel.>This picture has a lot of negative space which can be utilised by my cover lines. The costume of my model is an accurate representation of what my target audience would want to wear.

Both these photos use camera angles to change the view of the models.

<This picture perceives them as intimidating, where as this picture > is less intimidating, but the body language of them perceives them as aggressive.
The dark background in both these photos can be utilized for the mast head, cover lines and anchoring text.

<This picture, with the horns, the skeleton jaw, the pose of both the models and the dark background with the tree in the background, creates the perfect satanic symbolism that the controversial magazine contain
>This photo has a lighter tone and doesn't set too heavily on the eyes. The tree is out of focus it, creates a settling background for my masthead. The model on the right is also lightly out of focus, not conforming to the standard form, so will grab attention.


  1. I really like your ideas for your final cover, especially the last photo, even though one of your models are out of focus I think it works well with your genre.

  2. I like your photos and i think it will be suitable for your genre
