Thursday, 5 March 2015

Main features

Main features of conventional double pages:

The photo is a dominant feature of the two pages and usually a portrait, medium close up shot or full shot of the model.Usually a plain background,  Font usually small (main text), which is contrasted by the bold, short and informative title. Text is clearly organised paragraphs. Most of the paragraphs my start with a drop capital.  The pull quotes/Bold quotes from person being interviewed, are larger than the main text, to draw attention to the article. Photograph of them either on one whole page, or overlapping both pages. Some parts of text may be bold or italic to emphasize significance in the article. 


- The Eminem one would draw people in, with its simple yet sleek style and the text contrasts with the dark background, making the text stand out, as readers are used to black on white, not white on black. This photo takes up the whole of the left page, but does not have anything interesting on it, like props or intresting clothing. I feel that the layout and gradient of the background on to the model does not suit the double page spread.

- This double page spread has got a minimalist colour scheme, so draws peoples attention. The large opaque text in the background does not obscure the model and is complimented by the darker font on the right page.
This double page spread uses a standard theme, along with most other double page spreads, where there is a large drop capital, and the article is broken into 3 paragraphs. I, for one, cannot tell that this is a music magazine, other than by reading the main text, as they lack music props.

- The photography on this page has been well contructed and has good composition. there are also props in the photo so it reminds the reader that this is a music magazine. i also like how there are little shapes on the pages, which match the colour used in the text (drop capitals and pull quotes). I like how the image over laps onto the second page, instead of croping the image to fit on just the one page.

- This DPS would appeal the most to my target audience, as it has a monochrome base style with only subtle tones of red, used for part of the pull text and other features of the pages. I like how they have multiple pictures, of multiple scenes, further insinuating that this is a music magazine.


  1. Nice update, do you have any DPS examples from a similar genre to your magazine though ?

    1. The last one sort of was. MCR are just emi rock instead of black metal...
