Friday 10 April 2015

Question 7

 7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
I have improved my skills in media since the introduction assignment we did which was the front cover for the Haggerston sixth form magazine. When I did this it was very basic because my use of Photoshop was very limited and I did not know much about the conventions of a magazine. But by doing the music magazine project I have learned about the conventions and my use of Photoshop has greatly improved. If I was to do the college magazine work again I am sure that I could improve it by using the skills that I have learnt and get it to a better quality.

This project has taught me some good skills that I could use in future projects if I wanted to go into media related work of line or into an ohter faction . I also feel where i had not done media before, i was limited in the technical ways, language and procedure, but this course has helped a lot. 

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