Sunday 29 March 2015

Front cover similarities

Bar Code

I didn't keep all the parts of the bar code as i felt it didn't match my style. I did how ever, keep the format of the information, the issue number, date/price, and code. This, I felt, made it look professional and ordered.

Bottom Banner

I kept the bottom bar pretty similar to the magazine i was basing it on, with both my house colours, as the '+' are the bronze colour and the words white, this will attract a wide range of people, not just my target audience.

Poster Photos

I have advertised all the posters that will be available in my magazine as my interviews with my target audience told me that would like to see what they're buying and that they enjoy free things.

I used the over lapping layout that the base model has used, this i feel, would also attract more people, as it seems unconventional to normal magazines.

Top Banner

I have also based the top of my magazine like the base magazine, and again, i have used my house colours, but unlike the bottom line, i have switched the colours i have used, as per stylistic choice, i have also made the bar bigger, to make it stand out more.

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